Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Zoya Earth Day Polish Haul

I ordered six polishes in April during the Zoya Earth Day polish sale:  Aurora, Ivanka, Chita, Charla, Chyna, and Seraphina.  I knew the sale was coming and that I definitely wanted to take advantage of those lower prices.  I did my research, watched some YouTube videos, and then made my selections based on input from Bloggers and YouTubers that I follow regularly. 

So far I've worn all of them with the exception of Chita, but I've only taken pictures of three of the polishes on my nails (see below).  I just haven't gotten around to Chita yet and since summer is upon us I feel like its much too nice for a army greenish color. 

I only have two other Zoya polishes, Giada and Faye.  I got both from Ultra last fall and was kind a disappointed.  Giada is a dark purple "liquid metal" polish that wasn't as nice on the nail as it was in the bottle and Faye is a beautiful shimmer polish that again looks amazing in the bottle but took so many coats to become opaque I ended up giving up on waiting for it to dry.  I think the next time I wear Faye I will use it as a topper over black, I definitely need to give Faye another chance.

Zoya's Chyna

Zoya's Aurora

Zoya's Charla
Of the five polishes that I have tried in the last month, Aurora is my favorite.  It's holographic and looks amazing with & with out the sun. 

Charla is definitely my FAIL.  It applies nicely and it is beautiful on the nail, it is basically the turquoise version of Ivanka.  Same basic formula with the beautiful glass fleck finish, but that is where the comparison ends. 

About an hour ago I removed Charla from my nails and this happened:

It was like a nail polish removal murder scene!  Evidence of last manicure was every where,  it was under my nails, in my cuticles, and on my skin.  All the acetone in the world could not remove this staining from my skin and fingernails.  After I finished crying, I put together my recipe for stain removal.  It's basically baking soda with enough apricot kernel to create a paste.  I rubbed this into the stained area and then gently scrubbed with a soft toothbrush and then rinsed with warm water.  I had to do this twice and allow the mixture to sit on my skin for about 15 minutes to get to this point:

Then I had to moisturize the hell out of my poor skin :(

I find it odd that Ivanka is a very similar polish but I didn't have nearly the trouble with it, it must be the pigment they use.  I also wonder why none of the people I referred to for recommendations mentioned that this was a stainer. 

Final thought:

I definitely enjoyed these polishes (minus Charla) a lot more than the first two polishes I purchased last fall.  Seraphina was really pretty, dried fast, and stayed on my nail for a while before chipping.  Chyna was entirely unique to my collection and stirred an interest in the textured polish category.  I've heard that Zoya makes a mean cream polish, so I will definitely look out for a future sale to expand my collection.

Do you have any favorite Zoya polishes that I should check out?  Leave me a list in the comments.  No stainers, please! LOL

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